Your WE Analyze results, presented to you in a series of dashboards, can help you gain deep insight and learn more about a group of individuals. They can also inform strategy, decision making, event planning and other types of interaction and engagement!


Dashboards provide charts and graphs, showing the percentage of your file that falls into each range or category for a particular rating, score or attribute. Some charts can be sorted to show you where your group most differs from the nation and what it is that makes them unique.


This dashboard is the first thing you will see when viewing Analyze results. It provides an overview of where your clients or customers as a whole are located, demographic information including their gender and age ranges, as well as some of the most fundamental WealthEngine scores and ratings. 


This dashboard includes charts and graphs showing a breakdown by our wealth ratings and scores, including Net Worth, Investable Assets, Investor Types, Credit Card Use, etc. This enable you to get an overall view of the wealth attributes of your group. This is in and of itself extremely valuable, but you can also use the tool in a more targeted way. For example, our financial services clients can get a sense of what specific types of investments and products would likely be most appealing to their clients in preparation for a mass mailing or email campaign.


These dashboards provide an overview of your group in terms of our giving-related ratings and scores such as P2G, EGC, and EAD. These are important in knowing what is realistic in terms of campaign planning (what can this group potentially yield). This summary format can be easily shared with leadership to manage expectations. Other insights found here include Private Foundation Owner, Planned Giving Indicator, and Charitable Cause percentages. 

Real Estate

This dashboard has a multitude of charts that display things like Total Real Estate Value, Number of Properties, Length in Residence, Transactional Type of Home Loan, etc. They provide useful information in understanding the wealth of your group in terms of real estate, as well as a general sense of some demographics (e.g. length in residence, home type). 

There are many ways to take advantage of this. For example, our real estate clients can learn more about their potential buyers’ existing properties, while our financial advisors may want to focus on the transactional type of home loan data, such as equity loan vs. refinance loan numbers. 


This dashboard provides a more detailed breakdown of your group by things like Age, Gender, Education, Ethnicity, Number of Children, etc. All organizations can benefit from demographic data, especially in preparation for marketing efforts, mass mailings, email campaigns or event planning. That information can help inform your approach and/or appeals. 


This dashboard includes charts that give an overview of Political Party affiliations and Detailed Interests of your group. Interests can inform marketing strategy, as well as event planning. 

After all, if you discover that many of your clients or customers have a strong interest in wine, then you probably want to direct that type of advertising towards them – and maybe even plan your next event at a winery!

  • Note: “Interest” information is frequently based on marketing data, which means that they made a purchase in that category. 



Charts found in this dashboard will show you the percentage of your file by how many are business owners, executives, and board members (for-profit and nonprofit).


Charts here include Car Types, Car Lifestyle Indicator, Car Models/Makes, Number of Cars Owned, and other vessel ownership (boats and airplanes). These provide another way to understand the wealth and lifestyle of those in your list, and all allow you to sort by segment or nation value, so as to highlight what is truly unique about the group. 


This dashboard has two charts: Buying Transaction Likelihood and Buying Purchase Affinity. These are mostly utilized by our retail clients to get a sense of their customers’ general propensity to make a transaction, as well as what types of products are primarily reflected in their buying history.