Now that it’s time to get started, you want to make the most of your investment! That means that the setup you do prior to working in the WE Platform is crucial. There are certain steps that must be taken before you begin, and others that, if done in a certain order, will maximize your results. This checklist will walk you through them.
Step 1: Watch the Quick Start video
This quick start video will give you a basic run-down you really need before you get started. It is automatically emailed to every user in your account.
Step 2: Set up the first user in your account
Your account includes a specific number of user seats. The first person to set up their password serves as the Admin for your account and will be able to add and manage the other users. Some subscriptions may include only one user seat, meaning that this will be the only user.
Substep 1: Look for the WE email providing a link to set up your password.
- Note: For security reasons the link expires after 24 hours. If it has expired, or if you are having trouble finding the email, reach out to Customer Support.
Substep 2: Set up your password and security questions.
- Note: If you’re using a connector to easily get your information back into your database then your username must be identical to the email address you use for that account.
Substep 3: Verify your email.
Step 3: Log in
You can log in very easily from here:
- Note: If you’ve chosen a password that you use on other websites (especially in your personal life) we strongly recommend you change it, as this can present a serious security risk.
Step 4: Go to Manage Account
Click on the person icon by your name in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and select Account from the drop-down menu>You'll see the Manage Account on the left.
Step 5: Review your subscription
Your subscription will tell you which tools you purchased, how many users can access each, and whether there are any additional limits of which you want to be mindful. You should not begin working on the WE Platform or adding other users until you know these details.
Substep 1: Click on the Subscription Tab.
- Note: For more information on the tab see the Manage Account Guide.
Substep 2: Identify the tools. Do you understand what each one does?
- Note: To learn more about the tools check out the many articles and video guides in our Knowledge Base.
Substep 3: How many user seats does each tool have?
Substep 4: Do any of the tools have credits? If so, how many?
- Note: For more information on credits see the Usage Limits Guide.
Step 6: Add new users
The Admin can set up the other users, either by adding people one-by-one or several at a time in bulk. If your subscription only has one user seat, skip to Step 8.
- Note: For detailed instructions, check out our How-To Guide.
Step 7: Manage those users
Having multiple user seats does not just allow your colleagues to log in separately. You will set up the other users according to the access and abilities you want them to have.
Substep 1: Activate.
Substep 2: Customize individual users.
Substep 3: Decide whether users can share folders.
Substep 4: If you have Prospect, decide whether the other users can manage the suppression.
Step 8: Review your resources
You will want to make sure that you have all of the information you need to get started. This should be completed before you begin doing any significant work on the Platform.
Substep 1: Complete your Onboarding & Training with Client Services team or reach out to your Account Manager
- Note: If you haven't heard from your AM and are eager to get started, reach out to Customer Support.
Substep 2b: Submit your Inner Circle list: The system will automatically search for connections between your closest allies (e.g. board members, long-term advocates, etc.) and each profile that you Search, Screen, or find using Prospect. This only works going forward, so do not begin using credits until at least the day after you have submitted the Inner Circle list.
- Note: For more information and instructions, check out our Inner Circle Guide.
Step 9: Make sure you know enough not to hurt yourself
If you begin doing significant work in the system before knowing certain details then you may, without realizing it, limit your options and not make the most out of your purchase. This is especially crucial for credit-based tools because once you’ve used your credits they are gone.
Substep 1: You should have completed your full training.
- Note: For more information see Step 1.
Substep 2: Read the checklists for Screening and Prospect.
- Note: The Screening Checklist and the Prospect Checklist articles can both be found in the Knowledge Base.
Step 10: Double-check to see if your tools use credits
You can do an unlimited number of individual searches under the Search tab, but with credit-based tools such as Screening and Prospect, make sure that you are using your credits deliberately. Once you’ve run out, you’ll have to purchase more to keep using that tool.
- Note: Remember, you can find that information in Manage Account, per Step 5.
Step 11: Begin work on the Platform!