As valuable and sophisticated as our data insights are, they are only worth so much if you can’t easily assimilate them into your daily operations! This is why, with over 35 integrations and counting, WE partners with leading providers to make it easy for you to pull that data directly into the systems you use every day.


This article will cover:

  • What is a Connector?
  • What is an API?
  • Not all integrations are equal.
  • Integration Partners
  • Have Questions?

What is a Connector?

If your subscription includes a Connector, this allows you to set up an ongoing – well, connection – between WealthEngine and your DMS. You can use this functionality to easily send your data in to us, without having to worry about manually importing or exporting, or trying to fit your information into specific templates.

Once you get your results back, you can then import all of the key fields (scores, ratings, wealth and lifestyle insights) back into your database with the click of a button. Connectors make your life and your work much, much easier!


What is an API? How is it different?

APIs (Application Program Interfaces) are live integrations that can be built into your own applications. Unlike with a Connector, APIs process automatically once set up, rather than at your command. For example, you could use this with registration: when someone fills out a form on your website the WE API responds by pulling the WealthEngine scores and ratings for your new potential donor, which you can then use to personalize your segmentation and outreach. APIs are “live” in the sense that the moment someone signs up on your website the system immediately screens them without you taking any action. 

The resulting scores and ratings will be pulled directly into your DMS and saved there. Keep in mind that API results won’t be stored in the WE Platform and you won’t be able to see their full profiles. This really is intended to give you an easy yet thorough look at your new leads, in your own database.

Not all integrations are created equal.

WealthEngine integrates our data into all major CRM systems and DMSs. That said, there are some key differences between them. For example, while WealthEngine fully partners with leading providers like Salesforce and Ellucian, this is not the case with Blackbaud’s RaisersEdge. Instead our systems are compatible – an important distinction.

Even for the full integrations, our partners are the ones that build them, and thus they don’t all have the same capabilities. The Salesforce Connector, for example, will allow you to both do individual searches from within that database as well as send in lists for screening. Other integrations are more limited and may only allow for mass screening. As discussed previously, there are also dramatic differences between the Connector and API integrations. If you are going to purchase this functionality, you want to make sure you know exactly what you are getting!

  • Note: Reach out to our Customer Service team if you have questions about the integration between WealthEngine and your DMS or CRM.

Integration Partners

  • Aegis Premier Solutions – Bernard
  • Agilon
  • Allegiance Software
  • Amergent – Portfolio
  • Aristotle
  • Arreva
  • BIS Global – CharityEngine
  • Blackbaud, Inc – Raiser’s Edge NXT
  • Blackbaud, Inc – Luminate
  • Blackbaud, Inc – The Raiser’s Edge
  • Campus Management
  • Charityproud
  • CMDI
  • Community Brands – Millennium
  • Community Brands – netFORUM
  • Data Management Inc (DMI)
  • – DonorWare
  • DonorDirect
  • Easy-Ware
  • Ellucian
  • EveryAction
  • Jenzabar
  • Little Green Light
  • NeonCRM
  • PatronManager
  • PropertyBase
  • ROI Solutions – Revolution online
  • Salsa Labs
  • StratusLIVE
  • Sustain Software
  • Tessitura Network
  • TogetherWorks – ClearView


Have questions?

Reach out to your Sales Representative if you want to learn more about your subscription options and/or the integrations we have with specific partners.

If instead you are troubleshooting or struggling to get an integration set up, you may want to reach out to your CRM/DMS first. Of course, our Customer Support team will always be available to you and we will do our best to answer any specific questions you have. That said, it’s helpful for you to know that because WealthEngine doesn’t build the integration, we will not have the same level of knowledge that your CRM/DMS has.