Manage Account is where your Admin (usually the first person who set up their login) can add and customize users, view your subscription, and run reports. They can also see your API Key/s and sub-accounts if you have them.
This guide will walk you through each tab in Manage Account.
This article will cover:
- Users
- Subscriptions
- Reports
- API Keys
- Sub-Accounts
Your account includes a specific number of user seats or logins. You can think critically about the role that each member of your team will play and set them up according to the access and abilities you want them to have. Your first user will serve as account Admin and will set up and manage the other users.
New User
The number of user seats in your subscription tells you how many users you can have in your account. Once your Admin is set up and logged in, they can add the others one-by-one or in bulk. It’s not until a user has been added AND customized that they will be able to choose a password and access the platform through their own login.
- Note: For more information see the Adding Users How-To guide
Customizing Users
Once a user has been added, your Admin can click on their username to view and alter their details. Specifically, they can switch the user to "Active" status and then tell the system which tools they can access and how many credits they can use in each. This is an important step because some tools have usage limits. Deliberately allocating each person’s levels of access ensures that everyone uses the platform as they should, and ultimately that you make the most of your subscription. These customizations must be made before a new user can begin working in the WE Platform.
- Note: For more information see the Customizing Users Guide.
Enable Folder Sharing
Every user has their own separate My Profiles section, where the saved results of their work are stored. This allows you to easily view and manage your profiles without having to sift through everything your colleagues are doing. However, it also means that if you submit a screening the other users in your account won’t see the results unless you take the steps to share it with them. To do this, your Admin must first switch the "Enable Sharing" toggle beside each of your names to allow you and the others to send and receive files. Then, in your My Profiles, you will select the folder you want to send and click the "Share" button at the top. The other users, provided they have also been enabled, will then see it in their My Profiles section.
Suppression Management
The Prospect tool is used to find brand new supporters – which means you don’t want to waste those credits on anybody you already know. To prevent this, you can suppress uploaded lists of your staff, people who are in your database, and any Prospect lists you've purchased in the past. However, the ability to upload and manage suppression lists is restricted to your account Admin unless they switch the "Suppression Management" toggle beside another user’s name. That user will then be able to add new lists as well as view, rename, or delete the ones that have already been uploaded. They will also be able to choose whether to suppress all uploaded lists or select specific ones.
- Note: For more information see the Setting Up Suppression Guide
Reset Password
To the right of each person, there is a Reset Password option. Once the Admin clicks the button an email will be sent to that user with a time-sensitive link allowing them to create a new password.
Account Owner
If you need the Account Owner updated, please reach out to [email protected] with the information so our Support team may help update your account.
Here you can view your subscription. Remind yourself precisely what it is you have access to and consider how you might want to define your users’ access and abilities.
Overall Subscription
You can see how many seats you have in your overall Platform as well as each of the individual products that are in your subscription.
- Note: If you have questions about what is in your subscription reach out to Customer Service.
Tool Seats
The number of seats you have tells you how many users can access that tool. By hovering over the Total Seats question mark icon, you can see how many you’ve already allocated and how many are remaining.
Allocating Usage
The Usage Limits section tells you how many credits were included in your subscription. All users with access to that product will be able to use up those credits at their own discretion, unless you check the box next to Allocate. In doing this, you’re telling the system that you intend to assign allotments of credits in the Users tab.
- Note: For more, check out our Usage Limits Guide
Tracking Usage
You can view the overall rate of usage with the gauge to the far right. More detailed tracking can then be done in the Reports tab.
As your team begins integrating the tools into your workflow, you may at some point want to evaluate and track how they are being used. The Reports tab allows you to do this quickly and easily, even if you are juggling several users working within multiple tools.
Usage by Product
This report shows how many times each tool has been used compared to its limit. You can use this to identify whether any of your products are being under or over-utilized.
Usage by User
This report shows you to what extent a particular person has been using each tool (e.g. number of searches they’ve done or records they’ve screened). If one of your tools is being misused, you can identify which user is responsible. You can then check in with them and maybe even change their access and abilities.
Screening Jobs
This report allows you to view the upload details of all screenings that have been done within the last 12 months.
API Keys
Here you’ll be able to view your API Keys, when they were created, and even allocate them. This is relevant only for those who have an Application Program Interface (API) in their subscription.
- Note: APIs are just one type of integration that exists between WealthEngine and our CRM/DMS partners. For more information see the Integrations Guide
What is an API?
APIs (Application Program Interfaces) are live integrations that can be used in the development of your own applications to automatically return WE data or model scores. For example, you could use this with registration: when someone fills out a form on your website the WE API automatically responds with wealth data about your new potential donor, which you can then use to personalize your segmentation and outreach.
- Note: For more information on the API visit our Developer site
The API Key
Creating the API key is the first step in setting up the integration. You’ll do this by logging in to with the same credentials you use to access the WE Platform.
- Note: Each CRM/DMS builds their live integration differently. This means that once you have created the API Key any further setup will be done on their end.
Some large multi-seat organizations have sub-accounts or affiliate network agreements with WealthEngine. Just like any regular account, it’s important to understand what is included in your subscription and what that means regarding the abilities and access that you have to various tools.
Account Type
There are two types of network accounts: Affiliate and Sub-accounts. Affiliate accounts are accounts that may deal directly with WealthEngine to buy products for themselves, whereas Sub-accounts must be provisioned by their master account. The Sub-Accounts Tab will identify which type yours is.
- Note: Contact Customer Service if you have any questions about your network account.
Account Size
Just like any regular account, a sub-account has a specific number of seats and limits that determines how many users can access the tools. Depending on the size of the subscription, this might provide 5 users access to the WE Platform or 500. The Sub-Accounts Tab will identify both the number of users and the seats/limits for each account.