With WealthEngine’s platform, you can build a look-alike model based on a list of your top constituents! It will identify what qualities set your people apart from national averages and you can then use that model to both find brand-new leads and see how your current people compare.

Step 1: Go to My Profiles

This is where you will view and manage the results of your work: any Screenings you’ve done, lists you’ve pulled from Prospect, or even the profiles you found using the individual Search and decided to save.

Step 2: Select the people you want your model to be based on.

You can create the model using a full list or specific records within it. You need at least 50 profiles to build a model.

Step 3: Select Model at the top of the page.

Step 4: Fill out the fields in the pop-up.

Substep 1: Name your model.

Substep 2: Include a description, if you’d like.

Substep 3: In the Model Type field, select "Look-Alike Model" 

Substep 3: If you want to enable API access, check the box and name the API call for your own reference.

  • Note: The WealthEngine API can be used in the development of your own applications, such as in a website, and returns WE data or model scores. If you are curious about the WealthEngine API, check out dev.wealthengine.com for more information.

Step 5: Click Create Model.

The system will immediately begin processing. It will compare the attributes of the people in your file against the U.S. National Average in order to identify what qualities make them unique.

Step 6: View the model.

Once the model is complete, you can always find it by going to the Models tab at the top of the page. The WE Platform will use the top 30 attributes to create the model itself, but it displays the top 300 for your reference. You can filter through the various categories of attributes by using the filter icons next to the category types.

The comparison is done on a scale of -100 to 100, with 0 representing the national average. If your list has a higher proportion of that attribute than the U.S. average, the number will be positive. If it’s lower, it will be negative. The further the number is from zero, the more exceptional that makes them.

  • Note: If you want to change which attributes are included in the top 30, you can do that using the Edit Attributes button.

Step 7: Now you can use it!

Now you can use the model to do two different but very exciting things:

Score Profiles

In My Profiles you can compare it to the lists you already have stored there. Each profile in the list will be given a new score indicating how much or how little that person resembles the people that make up your model. This will help you figure out which leads look most like your constituents!

Find Prospect

Just click "Find Prospect" and it will take you right to the regular Prospect tool. This is where you can find brand new leads who closely resemble your best supporters! While Prospect will behave the same as usual, you will also now be able to utilize the "Filter Using the Model" slider. This will allow you to find individuals that fall within a certain score range when compared to your model.