The Express system is designed to quickly screen small to medium-sized files of fewer than 100,000 records at a time. You can choose between two pre-defined templates provided by WealthEngine: a Basic Template or a Detailed Template.    

Your file must conform exactly to the selected template in order for the screening to be processed. The order of the column headers is critical and all column headers must be present in the file, even if you do not intend to include that type of data. If you are not using a particular field, that field must still be included, with the data simply left blank. If you rearrange, rename, or delete any columns then the file will not upload properly. 

Keep in mind that if you are unable to fit your data into one of the pre-built templates, you can build a brand-new custom template that will instruct the computer on how to read your file. 

  • Note: If your subscription includes integration between your CRM/DMS and WealthEngine (e.g. the Salesforce Connector), you may be able to submit your screening there, rather than doing a manual upload in Express.

Scroll down to the bottom of this article to download the template! 

Input FieldIs it required?Notes
1 (A)ID
(User Supplied DMS or Constituent Record ID)*
Optional -- but important.
This field is used for integrating the results back into your DMS / CRM system.
2 (B)PrefixOptional

3 (C)First NameRequired

4 (D)Middle NameOptional -- but can improve your results.

5 (E)Last NameRequired

6 (F)SuffixOptional

7 (G)Home Street Address 1Required

8 (H)Home Street Address 2

9 (I)CityRequired

10 (J)StateRequired
2 digit state code only
11 (K)Zip CodeRequired
5 digit zip code only
12 (L)Total GivingOptional -- but can improve your results.
Total dollar amount of gifts given to your organization, e.g. lifetime giving.
13 (M)Years GivingOptional -- but can improve your results.
The number of years an individual has given to your organization, e.g. lifetime giving years.
14 (N)Number of GiftsOptional -- but can improve your results.
Total number of gifts given to your organization.
15 (O)Last Gift AmountOptional -- but can improve your results.
The dollar amount of the last gift given to your organization.
16 (P)Last Gift DateOptional -- but can improve your results.
The date of the last gift given to your organization.
17 (Q)Largest Gift AmountOptional -- but can improve your results.
The dollar amount of the largest gift given to your organization.
18 (R)Largest Gift DateOptional -- but can improve your results.
Date of the largest gift to your organization.
19 (S)Planned Giving FlagOptional -- but can improve your results.
You can mark individuals who are planned givers.
20 (T)AgeOptional

21 (U)Attribute 1Optional
Miscellaneous field - will not impact profiles, but you can use to segment results.
22 (V)Attribute 2Optional
Miscellaneous field - will not impact profiles, but you can use to segment results.
23 (W)Attribute 3Optional
Miscellaneous field - will not impact profiles, but you can use to segment results.
24 (X)Attribute 4Optional
Miscellaneous field - will not impact profiles, but you can use to segment results.
25 (Y)Attribute 5Optional
Miscellaneous field - will not impact profiles, but you can use to segment results.