Real Estate is one of the primary sources of data WealthEngine uses to build and consolidate information about an individual as well as a household. It not only contributes to identifying an individual's wealth but also factors into how we estimate an individual's ability to give.
WealthEngine pulls real estate data from over 3,000 counties and municipalities. We organize, validate, process, and ingest data from our data aggregators, which receive records in accordance with the assessor's office's publication schedules. The real estate data can be as current as a few months following ownership events or longer depending on the assessor's offices' timeliness. We update our data several times a year and we are working toward a more-frequent, continuous update model for the WealthEngine platform.
Real estate information may be visible through several areas of our profile:
Profile Summary
The Profile Summary view contains high-level information such as a primary address, a summary of an individual’s real estate holdings including the number of properties owned, historical properties owned, the total assessment of these properties, and details such as an address, and square footage, and year built. Now we can see details view of how the Total Real Estate value is calculated.
The value used in Total Real Estate Calculation:
WealthEngine has also added a one-click link to Zillow directly from our profile summary which passes the primary address of an individual's property and conducts a search in Zillow.
Designed with ease of use in mind, it enables users of WealthEngine to quickly gain property insights directly from Zillow.
This provides a deeper dive into information such as:
Interior and Exterior Home Features
Potential Resale Value/Recent Changes
Historical Price Information
Neighborhood and School Information
Research Details
Real Estate details are visible within the Research Details of a profile, where we enable users to filter on historical properties as well. Here we provide in-depth details around a property to assist our customers in both validations as well as gaining further understanding of an individual's property ownership.
Descriptive details available include:
Ownership information
Transaction Details
Assessment Details
Property Details
If you wish to find out more about that property, you can also access Zillow from the record itself by clicking on the address:

Impact on Ratings and Scores
Real Estate plays an important role in our scoring, affecting our overall Wealth Scores, as well as philanthropic ratings such as the Propensity to Give and Estimated Giving Capacity.
Of course, not everyone owns real estate, so where applicable we will use the median income from a particular zip code where a renter may live to assist in scoring.
- Note: To learn more about the scores themselves, make sure to check out our Ratings and Scores guide
If you have any further questions, concerns, or want to learn more about the real estate data WealthEngine offers, make sure to contact our Customer Service team