Batch Upload is used to screen extremely large files of 100,000 records at a time or more, as well as any files that require additional processing, such as an NCOA Append. In order for screenings of this size to run correctly, they actually require a member of our Batch Team to manually work on your file. For this reason, it can take up to 10 business days to process.

Remember, smaller screenings should instead be submitted through Express, which is what most people use.

  • Note: You can also use the Batch Upload to securely send non-screening files to WE, such as your Inner Circle list. Because it isn’t a screening, it won’t use any credits!

Prepare Your File

Step 1: Review the sample template.

The sample file (picture and attachment at the end of this guide) will serve as a crucial guide as you prepare your file. In some ways, your list can diverge from that template, but in other areas, it must match those specifications in order for it to process correctly!

Required Fields:

  • First Name; Last Name; Address Line 1, City, State, and Zip code.
  • If you want to import WE data back into your DMS:
    • Constituent/account ID number. Without this, your results will not match up with the account record in your system.
  • If you have Raiser's Edge and plan to update this information using We data:
    • Address Import ID for NCOA updates.
    • Bio Import ID for DOB updates.
    • Telephone Import ID for telephone updates.

Should Match the Template:

  • Number of columns.
  • Column names/headers.
    • However, if you supplied a control file then the Field Names can match that instead.

More Flexible:

  • Sequence of columns: the WE import service can adapt to field order.
  • Sequence of rows/records: this doesn’t impact the speed of processing or the order of the returned file.

Step 2: Map the fields.

Use the provided template as a worksheet and, following the above guidelines, map the fields in your database so they match the WE file format. To do this, you may need to adjust your export and re-run it.

If your software program provides a file layout (also known as a “control file”), that makes things slightly easier, so send it in with your upload. If a control file is not sent, however, you must include the column headings in your screening file – and make sure that they match the template!

Mapping Tips

  • The more information you include the better. Providing details such as spouse details, date of birth, business affiliation, business address, giving history, and even graduation date can improve your results by matching to additional information and perhaps even improving the accuracy of the scores!
  • You can include up to fifteen Client Attributes fields, which you would create to represent additional qualities you want to factor in when segmenting your results (e.g. Gala Attendee; Volunteer; Alumni; Gift Officer Assignment; Stewardship Level). These fields have no impact on profiles, but you will be able to later use them to manipulate the data in your screening results.
  • Note: If you use the client attribute fields, rename them as appropriate. The names must be less than 30 characters.  

Step 3: Export

Export the mapped records into any one of the preferred file formats: (Delimiters: Pipe, TAB, or semicolon) OR Excel.

Remember, make sure you have enough credits left to screen that number of people!


Step 4: Review

Quickly review your file to make sure everything is there and in the proper order.


Upload for Screening

Now that you have put together your file, it’s time to upload it and begin the screening process!

Step 1: Log into your WE account.

Step 2: Go to the Batch Upload page.

Click on the Screen tab at the top of your page. Click on the New screen then make sure that you are in the Batch Upload section, rather than Express. This is where you can send in your screening file.

Step 3: Confirm your contact information.

You must provide your full contact information: Full Name; Phone Number; and E-mail Address. This is required just in case WealthEngine’s technical team needs to contact you with questions about your file.

Step 4: Mark data details.

Here you'll see the different types of optional information that may or may not be included in your input file. Click on the fields that you did include.

  • Note: The more information you provide the better results you may get.


Step 5: Choose a file.

Once you click Next, you’ll be brought to the Upload File page. Click the Choose File button to open the Browse function and select the file from your computer.

Step 6: Provide any additional instructions.

If you have any additional directions or information you think it is essential for the Batch Team to know, you can type it into the Additional Instructions text box.

Step 7: Click Upload

Once your results are in, they will automatically pop up in your My Profiles section. Your listed contact will receive a notification.

Sample Template: