Wealth ID Securities

This data source compiles information reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and collected by Thomson Financial. Wealth ID provides information on stock transactions for common stock and preferred stock company insiders. A formal definition of an “insider” is provided below.

What is an inside stockholder?

Insiders are the officers, directors, and all other individuals in major policy-making positions at a company. Any person or trust owning 10% or more of a company's stock is also considered an insider. The Securities and Exchange Commission deems all individuals or entities that have pecuniary interest in a company and have access to non-public information on its operation, that gives them an unfair advantage, insiders. All trades by insiders must be formally filed with the SEC by the 10th day of the month following the trade date. These filings are catalogued and tracked carefully by the SEC in order to ensure fair trading practices in the securities marketplace 

Where to locate stock data?

Wealth ID Securities and SEC stock data can be located on the research details section of a profile if it is available. 

If you select the triangle  to the left of each record, you will be able to see additional information regarding the transaction such as the number of shares, price per share, type of transaction and ticker ID. 


Stock data definitions

Indirect holdings are those that are controlled by the insider, yet are held by another entity such as a family member, a trust, a company retirement plan, mutual fund, or even a corporation with which the insider is affiliated. Multiple insiders could be shown as holding the same block of stock, as in cases where a group of trustees have control of the securities held by the trust or where several partners have control over the securities held by the partnership. Some insiders hold all of their stock indirectly.

Direct Securities explicitly held and controlled by the insider. 

Transaction Codes