The Giving vs Capacity report can be located within the Analyze tool, you do not need to calculate the RFM score before completing the analysis. This report allows you to compare the total giving that an individual has contributed to your organization, to the estimated giving capacity that WealthEngine has calculated for that person. It also allows you to review the RFM score for each segment of individuals and prepare a more strategic approach in your engagements. The review of the RFM score and it's weighting can be located in this article

Step One: Select the list or lists that you wish to complete an analysis on. Please ensure that the screening lists that you are selecting have your organizations giving history included. The giving vs capacity report cannot be calculated without giving history. You can then follow the steps in our Analyze article to complete the analysis request. 

Step Two: Navigate to the Analyze tab and select the link to open your requested analysis. You will then choose the "Giving V/S Capacity" link next to "Dashboard" to review the report. You will see the total giving which has been provided by your organization during the screening process, compared to the EGC (estimated giving capacity) which is calculated by WealthEngine. 

Step Three: Review the available charts that help you analyze the individuals and create strategic approaches in your outreach or communications based on the results you find. You have the ability to click into each chart, export the results and compare individuals based on their engagement with your organization. Below is an example of the Total Giving VS RFM scores chart, this can be helpful in your discovery to increase the recency in which individuals engage with you, the amount that an individual donates or to re-engage with individuals who have not been in touch recently.