Ratings and Scores

Ratings and Scores Overview
As you work to identify potential major gift donors, you want to make sure that you are focusing your efforts on those people with whom you are most likely ...
Tue, 9 May, 2023 at 8:10 AM
Gift Capacity: Formula Details
The Gift Capacity estimates how much your person can afford to give in a five-year period to all the institutions they support, in total. Five major compone...
Fri, 28 Oct, 2022 at 2:36 AM
How to Customize Gift Capacity
When you look at a person’s profile, Gift/Giving Capacity are key scores you’ll use to decide whether they are worth your time and resources. However, depen...
Fri, 28 Oct, 2022 at 2:10 AM
The WealthScore
The Wealth Score provides a new dimension in wealth analytics and targeted fundraising. It is available on individual profiles and can be used to filter you...
Fri, 3 May, 2024 at 10:03 AM
P2G (Propensity to give)
The P2G stands for “Propensity to Give” and it is a sophisticated measure of their propensity for general philanthropic giving. This is our flagship score, ...
Thu, 9 Nov, 2023 at 11:30 AM